if you are feeling like something is off in your life, like no matter what you do, it’s still so hard to be happy, there is a place for you here.

I will help you feel connected to your true self, to trust your intuition and your feelings, so you can fall into a flow that leads you to whatever your version of happiness is. 


Experiencing responsibilities rather than the need to achieve tasks.

Letting your emotions be what they are rather than rationalizing them, as if your emotions are “wrong."

Enjoying the pleasures of life rather than feeling this need to live for a purpose.

Trusting that everything is going to be okay when you have connection that’s true & meaningful, rather than needing to be respected  by people that don’t actually matter.

1:1 Private Coaching

I will hold space for you to create awareness around your thoughts and feelings in order to live a life that is rooted in your intuition.

You will learn to trust yourself, and live a more slow life so you can make conscious decisions that feel real, true and connected to you. You will learn to be more present and release the pressures of society telling you to strive for more, fix the things that are “wrong” with you, perform, show-off, and chase to reach this idea of success that everyone is striving for. 

Do you want to find out what your life would be if being happy wasn't so hard?

Then my Coaching program is for you!

What to Expect

  • Bi-Weekly Coaching Sessions 
  • Follow up emails after each sessions showing your growth and next action steps
  • Unlimited text, email during business hours
  • Access to my resource library filled with tools, videos and worksheets to help you along your journey.

As your coach I am here to hold space for you to discover who you are again. I will partner with you in thought-provoking and creative processes that will inspire you to trust yourself and your intuition.
Together we'll work on learning what has not been taught to you in this lifetime: trusting your intuition, striving for the pleasures in life, believing all the emotions you have are okay.  That who you are, right now, is absolutely enough.

3-9 Month Commitment

  • You're open to exploring your thoughts and feelings
  • You're open to thinking differently
  • You're feeling a pull to disengage from what society is telling you to do
  • You're want to create space between you and external forces, and deepen your connection with your natural self.
  • You don't want another self-development process, but a slow and gentle reintroduction to your true l self to explore your natural goals
  • You believe in the benefit of investing in yourself 

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High-end corks are handmade. The actual color of the wine can range from violet, typical of young wines, through red for mature wines, to brown for older red wines. 
Acidity is a naturally occurring component of every wine. The Romans named Sangiovese after the blood of Jupiter; that must have been some hangover. 

•  feature one included
• feature two included
• feature three included
• feature four included
•  feature five included

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•  feature one included
• feature two included
• feature three included
• feature four included
•  feature five included

view the details

High-end corks are handmade. The actual color of the wine can range from violet, typical of young wines, through red for mature wines, to brown for older red wines. 
Acidity is a naturally occurring component of every wine. The Romans named Sangiovese after the blood of Jupiter; that must have been some hangover. 

Who I Work With

Are You Open & Ready?


We will hop on a 45-minute discovery session to discuss your goals, your fears, to explore if coaching is right for you, and explore if I'm the right coach for you.

step one


If we decide we are a right match, and you are able to provide me with a feel-good "yes" to investing in yourself, then you will decide how many months you'd like to sign up for.

step two


For the next 3-9 months, we will have bi-weekly coaching sessions. Time in between sessions will be used for reflection and integration. I will send you follow up emails after each session showing your growth and next action steps. I will be here for you during your coaching term by unlimited text, email and voice memo support - I'm here for you always!

step three

Asset 5
Asset 5

Here's a look at my process

wondering how it all works?

rave reviews from past clients

You CAN move past your fear

Asset 5
Asset 5

Coaching with Nichole took me by surprise. When I signed up to have a coach, I thought I needed a list of all the things ‘to do’, in order to get me where I wanted to be. This was NOT that. Thank God. Nichole became the most invaluable mirror that I didn’t know I needed. She was able to reflect back to me in the most gentle way, what it was I was doing and wasn’t doing, what I was believing or wasn’t believing about myself, and what was holding me back from actually being able to take action in the way I’ve always wanted to. Being in
her space, I felt safe, seen, and heard in a way I had never experienced before. Coaching with Nichole was different than anything I’ve ever experienced, and it was exactly what I needed to get out of my own way in route to accomplishing my freaking dreams!!! DON’T HESITATE ON THIS. Do yourself a favor. Invest in yourself in a coach that will not just add more work to your plate, but someone will actually help you understand the root and cause of the issue, and take care of business from there. Thank you Nichole for changing my life forever, I am forever grateful to you.

- Laura

Nichole has taught me so much about being afraid and learning to trust myself to do things I thought I couldn’t. She has a rare combination of calm and excited inspiration to help me past my lack of belief in myself. She asks the right questions to help me take the next steps in creating a beautiful life

- Christine

Sign up for a free discovery call so we can discuss your goals, fears and to see if coaching is right for you. After you give me a feel-good YES to coaching, I'll have you sign a contract and pay for your services and we'll get your first coaching session on the calendar!

how do i start coaching with you?


Therapy examines the past to help a client cope with the present. Coaching builds on the present to create your future. You can have a therapist as well as have a coach. If you have a clinical diagnosis of anxiety or depression and aren’t already working with a therapist, psychiatrist or medical professional to manage your symptoms, I will gladly help you find the right professional for you.

what's the difference between coaching and therapy?


I do require a minimum 3 month commitment from my clients. Taking a long-term approach to your goals creates more success. Breaking your big goals down into incremental pieces creates more confidence and progress. Discovering awareness around your thoughts and feelings doesn't always happen in one session. When awareness is created, we'll want time to use this new information to create change in your life.

do i have to commit to 3 months?


I completely understand that things come up! We can reschedule your session when I am provided with a 24-hour notice. All sessions can be used up until 2 months after your contract end date. If sessions aren't used by then, they will be lost.

what if i miss a session?


Absolutely! Growth is a life-long process and I would love to continue holding space for you during that life-long journey. You can always sign up for another 3, 6, or 9 month package.

when my monthly commitment is finished, can i keep coaching with you?


schedule a call

Book a free
discovery session

what are you waiting for?